The Croatian Office for Creativity and Innovation is a partner in the Adult Community Media Lab project. The project is the result of a strategic partnership of 6 organizations from Turkey, Croatia, Spain, Poland and Italy within ERASMUS + key activities 2 – Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practice.

The project will support adults in acquiring and developing high-quality skills and key competencies on social media to better meet the challenges of social transformation and encourage their responsibility towards the proper use of digital technology. Academic institutions, media and technology organizations for the purpose of adult education and empowerment will be involved in the development of the project.

The Adult Community Media Lab will create a “social media literacy mentor” persona that promotes the active engagement of adults towards children, older adults and adults who do not have sufficiently developed digital skills. Accordingly, the project aims to improve people’s understanding of digital media by educating a select group of adults to become “social literacy mentors”.

Also, the project will implement innovative learning practices and contribute to the implementation of an effective non-formal learning environment.