Sjećate li se našeg Erasmus+ treninga o poduzetništvu “Be Enterprising – fostering entrepreneurial skills in youngsters” kojeg smo proveli u Samoboru ove godine? Ako je odgovor “ne”, evo linka za podsjetnik 🙂


U međunarodnom okruženju sa sudionicima iz 6 različitih zemalja naučili smo mnogo o poduzetništvu i poduzetničkoj atmosferi u različitim kulturama, a ovog vam puta donosimo mišljenja naših sudionika o ovom projektu!

Unatoč tome što je projektu došao kraj, ne morate se žalostiti! Tijekom 7. mjeseca 2022. godine prikupljamo prijave za drugi Erasmus+ projekt slične tematike, o kojem više možete pročitati na poveznici “Little act, true change”!

Janar, Estonija

"The training course was reallly entertaining and fun in Samobor. I managed to make a lot of new contacts and learned different aspects about enterprising. The trainers were very kind and offered some vital knowledge and distinct group activities that created several ways how to make learning intriguing. Also to learn about different possibilities that young people can use to learn about enterprising while going abroad was educational. I am definitely able to use the learnt skills while teaching in schools and also while I am getting involved with enterprising myself. Last but not least, having an opportunity to learn new ideas while being in another country felt exciting and I really enjoyed it."

Kamil, Poljska

"The training course in Samobor was excellent.I really enjoyed all discussed topics, activities, exercises and games.Food and accommodation was also excellent.Everything was perfectly organized.During the training I increased my confidence to promote entrepreneurial learning and attitudes.Now I am more encouraged to work with youth. We are more competent and have practical tools that we can use while working with young people."

Emilia, Poljska

"During the project "Be Enterprising: fostering entrepreneurial attitudes in youngsters" I learned how to nurture entrepreneurial mindsets in young people and how to apply that kind of attitude in our initiatives for the local community. I discovered many new tools to work with young people and came back home with my head full of ideas. I also networked a lot with the other participants and I'm really looking forward to cooperate with them in the future projects under Erasmus+"

Karine, Njemačka

"It was great! I love trainers and the group, exercises and information that we know now. I didn't know a lot about possibilities and I am searching for them. Also told about different programs because they are really interested in."

Devrim, Njemačka

"There are no words to describe the fabulous experience we all had, what a fantastic program. I have learned a lot about leaving my comfort zone and be more focused on having the entrepreneurial mindset. I will definitely share my experience with my community. and help young people to discover what I got to chance to discover during this exchange. This was the best choice I’ve ever made! I am so very grateful and thankful for everyone I met and everything that happened."

Julius, Estonija

"I enjoyed the Training Course in Samobor, Croatia. I learned a lot new about Croatia, some great tools to use with children and youth at school and youth centers. For me personally I aqcuired some interestings ways to challenge and analyze myself (for example Ikigai method). I already have and plan to use some new interesting board games or simulations i learned in this project."

Lucija, Hrvatska

"This whole experience was just unbelievable. From trainers and our Blanka to training content and people from all over Europe. I learned a lot about entrepreneurship, how to develop self-confidence in yourself, how to work in team and what teamwork is about, which initiatives the EU offers to young people, how to write a project and what are the project writing procedures, how to design a good product for your target group, ways of financing businesses, various games and energizers and, most important, I learned a lot about myself. As a youth worker, I will definitely use the Johari Window model because using this model is a great way to learn about yourself and a great start for enhancing self-awareness and skills like self-confidence and collaboration. Also, the Marshmallow Challenge, a great way to learn how to work in team and this exercise teaches us important lessons about the creative process of product development and prototyping and it can be played from the age of 2 to 102. I will talk about the different initiatives that the EU offers to young people and try to make others aware of them."

André, Portugal

"Be Enterprising was an amazing experience. As a Youth Worker from an Entrepreneurship Promoting NGO, I got the chance to learn about topics that are relevant to my day-to-day work, and pick-up a bunch of great tools that I now use in my organization. I will never forget my time in Samobor, as well as all the connections and new networks I was able to create by participating in this initiative. I hope this is the first of many Training Courses implemented by HUKI. Shoutout to the Trainers Pavel and Olalla, for the amazing work as well as Blanka, and the Pozitiva Samobor Team."

Lea, Hrvatska

"I really enjoyed participating in the training course. The workshops were both fun and useful, the trainers were well-prepared and other participants were collaborative and great to hang out with. I learned a lot of things that I could implement in my future career as an entrepreneur. Also, the training was extremely well coordinated. Bravo! :)))"

António, Portugal

"With this exchange I was able to get to know more of marketing, business and entrepreneurship with someone who is really into the subject. Furthermore I had the opportunity to interact with cultures that I previously had not the chance to contact with. Rural Croatia was a very nice surprise, full of green fields and well maintained streets. Locals are very careful and hardworking people."

Maciej, Poljska

"Training course was great, especially thanks to 2 factors: the participants who were active plus had a different, interesting background and were eager to share their experiences, and the second factor is the organizers of TC, who were super cool, both the coordinator and trainers who prepared project in very interesting and active way, full of games and different non formal educational methods. One of the most important thing I have laernt is about Erasmus + for Entrepreneurs."

Teresa, Portugal

"The training course "Be Enterprising: fostering entrepreneurial attitude in youngsters" was a very well organized mobility.
The facilitators helped us developing new skills, tools and knowledge through a variety of activities, presentations and challenges that provided us lots of competences.
We also learned more about Erasmus+ projects and funds for young entrepreneurs.
Through some activities, we also discussed what are the opportunities for young entrepreneurs in other EU countries.
I will certainly use the skills acquired during this training course in volunteer work and in my future professional career."

Lucija, Hrvatska

"The training course in Samobor was my first Erasmus+ project. I was very excited to attend it and it checked all the boxes for me. I met a lot of new inspiring people and gained applicable knowledge that I will aim to implement in my next projects, both personal and professional!"

Aleksandra, Poljska

"Participating in the Be Enterprising project was a very valuable experience for me. I met many inspiring young people who shared their experience and ideas with me. I found out how I can incorporate entrepreneurial attitude into my activities and future projects for young people. I have changed my perspective on entrepreneurship. Thanks to the workshops I know that entrepreneurship is a whole set of competences and an attitude. Everyone can learn entrepreneurship! "

Mariana, Portugal

"I really enjoyed the project. The facilitators were very cool and we were able to experience a lot of practical activities that gave us a real sense of entrepreneurship. I will have them in mind when working with youth!"

Projekt se provodi u okviru Erasmus+ programa koji sufinancira Europska unija te koji podržava razvoj znanja i vještina u područjima edukacije, treninga, mladih i sporta. Sadržaj ove objave isključiva je odgovornost Hrvatskog ureda za kreativnost i inovacije. Više o programu može se pročitati ovdje: